Premium Datacenter and Support Services
Enterprise Colocation
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam fermentum, nibh et dictum dictum, leo lectus rutrum sapien, sit amet ornare nibh massa non turpis.



  • 1Amp @ 208v Power Included

  • 10TB bandwidth on 1Gbps port

  • Network & IPMI drop provided

  • APC Remote Reboot Port

  • UPS/Generator Backup Power



  • 1Amp @ 208v Power Included

  • 10TB bandwidth on 1Gbps port

  • Network & IPMI drop provided

  • APC Remote Reboot Port

  • UPS/Generator Backup Power




  • 1Amp @ 208v Power Included

  • 10TB bandwidth on 1Gbps port

  • Network & IPMI drop provided

  • APC Remote Reboot Port

  • UPS/Generator Backup Power


UPS / Generator for ALL Circuits
Our data centers are designed with power systems that have built-in redundancy, full Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) systems with N+1 levels or greater, and backup generator systems in the event of a local utility failure.
Carrier Neutral Facility
Our location features more then 30 different providers inhouse. Crossconnects to other providers are offered at our cost with a choice of fiber and/or copper runs. This can allow you to have mutliple providers in addition to our own provided bandwidth.
Staffed 24/7/365 Security
Our data centers are staffed 24/7/365. They are monitored via 20+ IR motion activated cameras. Access to the data center lobby is only accessible through our man-trap entrance after key card validation. From there access is permitted only after proper identification has been provided and cataloged.
Emergency Support for Colocaton
All colocation customers get emergency hardware support for their colocation servers free of charge. Simply open a ticket on our helpdesk and a tech will get you up and going again in no time.
Pellentesque imperdiet leo in ligula
Sed sed turpis in ipsum tincidunt ultrices. Sed elementum mi mauris, eget pellentesque orci gravida sed. Vivamus efficitur pretium ante.


Another nice thing about tzulo
Since 2003, tzulo has been delivering the kind of exceptional service that gets noticed and by building an infrastructure that always delivers on our uptime goals.

Performant Hardware and Huge Memory Allocations
We cut through the frustration of underperforming technology and poor service, delivering the power of the Internet to any organization that needs it.

Superior Network with Multiple Connections
We cut through the frustration of underperforming technology and poor service, delivering the power of the Internet to any organization that needs it.

Premium Datacenter with Excellent Cooling and Power
We cut through the frustration of underperforming technology and poor service, delivering the power of the Internet to any organization that needs it.
How does some stuff work?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas vitae efficitur sapien, suscipit dictum risus. Nam a enim fermentum, placerat est vel, imperdiet magna. Vestibulum vitae lorem sed ante.
Is there any special stuff that works differently than other stuff?
Etiam suscipit, magna ac aliquet faucibus, nibh erat egestas augue, ac semper risus leo eu turpis. Nulla dictum ut augue sit amet facilisis. Nullam hendrerit, turpis eget tincidunt porta, urna odio consequat urna, eget consectetur est mi vel neque. Vivamus pharetra eu nisi sit amet lobortis. Nam lorem metus, fermentum a odio ac, convallis tempor est.
Can you help me with stuff?
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas! Vivamus eu ipsum rhoncus.
How does some stuff work?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas vitae efficitur sapien, suscipit dictum risus. Nam a enim fermentum, placerat est vel, imperdiet magna. Vestibulum vitae lorem sed ante.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas vitae efficitur sapien.